As families are spending more quality time at home, many have decided to get back to their roots – in the garden! Gardening is a great way to teach kids where their food comes from and it creates an opportunity to get outside -- a welcomed mental break between Zoom conference calls and math lessons.

Whether you’re starting a new gardening adventure or looking for additional gardening activities for kids, we want to make sure you have a variety of support resources. Since we’re a collaborative organization by nature, we are extremely honored to work with some amazing gardening partners. We’ve curated some of our favorite home gardening tips and tricks that we hope you find helpful on your gardening journey!

Learn in the Garden Garden Projects and Crafts

Explore fun activities that provide opportunities for families to learn together, while encouraging love for nature and the environment.

Junior Master Gardener Virtual Meetups

Join free 20-minute Facebook Live sessions every Tuesday & Thursday and your kids can earn a Junior Master Gardener “Golden Ray Series” Certification in Plant Growth & Development.

The Nature Conservancy Youth Education Resources (Grades K-5)

Lessons cover how dirt works, the role of pollinators, how nature filters water, and more! Each lesson plan comes with a free teacher's guide and video.

Big Green At Home

An online hub for all things distance-learning and real food. Find brand new Homegrown program for caregivers, teachers, and families, and an extensive suite of resources and supports for educators, including distance-friendly lessons and curriculum, professional development, and ways to connect.

Gardening Resources

Green Our Planet Virtual Academy

Grow fresh food for your family and become a gardening expert with lessons on gardening and hydroponics!

Slow Food Live Sessions

Attend (free) sessions led by experts in a skill or topic, that you can join from anywhere on your laptop or phone. Perfect for parents at home with their children home from school to incorporate sessions into newly developed at-home lesson plans. Garden sessions are on Thursdays and there is an archived list of previous sessions.

The National Gardening Association: Pandemic Gardening

Gardening during a pandemic is for everyone, regardless of whether you live in an apartment or on a 100-acre ranch. Many popular vegetables don't use a lot of space and can be grown in the same place where you traditionally grow flowers and shrubs.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac: Planting Calendar

Find the best dates for planting vegetables and fruit in your garden! Calculate the best time to start seeds indoors and outdoors, as well as when to plant young plants outside.