This Spring and Summer we and our long-time partners at PBS KIDS are bringing you content to inspire curiosity and learn about our responsibility to be nature's caretakers. We will share downloadable content, activities, and how-to video shorts to begin your nature explorations!

Summer Activity Book

Get ready for a summer of fun and adventure! From creating a moon journal to planning a scavenger hunt, inspire everyday fun for your kids with PBS KIDS summer activity book! It's a summer of possibilities!

Nature Inspires Young Scientists

Sandboxes, puddles, sticks and leaves: the natural world is filled with amazing materials and sources of inspiration for the human-made world. Through play and exploration with natural materials, kids build creativity and develop important science, engineering, and math skills.

Build a Dam and Explore Water Flow

In this activity, you and your child will create a model of a river from materials found around your home. Then, you will observe which combination of materials works the best to change and stop the flow of the water. Similarly, you will explore what happens when the water is blocked versus when it is free-flowing.

Egg Carton Seed Starts

A great way to teach kids about plants is to learn how to grow seedlings in egg cartons. Check out this video for an easy beginner gardening project for kids.

Picture Books for the Spring Garden

Spring is in the air! It’s a great time to think about gardening, especially with children. There are many wonderful picture books to introduce young readers to gardening. Here are a few of my favorites, for toddlers to new readers, that help us spot signs of spring, learn all about seeds, dream up our best spring gardens, and get inspired to plant.

Explore the Outdoors: Inspire Curiosity and Wonder

Kids everywhere wonder about the world around them: why do birds sing, why do ants march, and why do butterflies fly? Encourage your child to wonder and explore with these activities from PBS KIDS for Parents.

Create Your Own Observation Bingo

Brainstorm with your child a list of things that you might see, hear, smell, feel, or touch while on a walk through your neighborhood or playground, and see how many you can find.

Take A Nature/Observation Walk

Take a nature walk to collect leaves of different colors, shapes and textures. Ask your child to point out the similarities and differences between each leaf. Then, take a few fallen leaves home with you and make art with them!

Make Your Own Seed Packet

Print, color and create your own seed packets! Use for seed swaps with friends or store your seeds for future planting.

We're Caretakers of Nature

As kids grow they learn how important it is to take care of their home and the world around them. You can help your kids keep learning about how to be a good caretaker of their world with these activities.

Create A Family Water Conservation Plan

Watch a three part video to learn simple ways to save a little bit of water each day. Then create a plan to conserve water by making small changes in your home.

Grow With Us Coloring Sheet

Seven simple tricks that turn a family nature walk into an enjoyable adventure for everyone.

Build A Recycled Bird Feeder

Turn a milk carton into a handmade bird feeder with some household supplies and a few short steps!

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