Teachers play such a vital role in our lives. They shape the future of our world, one influence at a time. What teachers do every day in their classrooms helps create the world we live in by being positive mentors to those who are most important to us.

Because of this, we try to give our teachers and school staff the tools to become successful themselves by helping them to be healthy and have a good understanding of nutrition.

We are excited to launch our free new Healthy Teachers Program Digital Experience.

The online class version is filled with experts helping to inspire teachers and helps to meet healthy eating goals following our three healthy eating principles. We partnered with the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) so teachers can also receive professional development credits through the USDA.

“At Whole Kids Foundation, we believe that inspiring teachers to improve their own nutrition and wellness can help them be a better influence for their students through food,” said Dan Marek, founder/educator and program manager of the Healthy Teachers Program. “Since 2012, our Healthy Teachers Program has trained more than 18,000 school staff, helping them to enrich their own personal lives though healthy eating.”

“We’ve seen dramatic impacts,” said Marek. “The class also has helped teachers and school staff open up conversations with their own families about healthy eating and has helped them to cook really tasty, healthy meals.”

Prior to the new online course, the Healthy Teachers Program has been hosted in school districts throughout the U.S. providing in-person training that has resulted in teachers and school staff experiencing weight loss, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Although in-person classes will continue, the online option will allow more educators and school staff across the country to participate in the Healthy Teachers Program.

The two-hour online class focuses on the fundamentals of nutrition without being preachy or using any trendy diet plans but looks at easy to understand ways to make small changes every day. Along with the nutrition inspiration, it offers cooking demonstrations based on a budget of time and money that any busy adult can use to set themselves up for success. It is a fun, interactive class that breaks down simple nutrition into digestible information that everyone can use.

The class covers:

  • Basic principles of eating a whole foods diet
  • Tips for shopping economically while still making healthy choices
  • Healthy cooking demonstrations and recipes

“This is not a diet program, but an open concept to basic nutrition that fits everyone,” said Marek.

Learn more about the Healthy Teachers Program and how to enroll in the online course here.